Top Marketing Mistakes Small Business Owners Make
Top Marketing Mistakes Small Business Owners Make
September 17, 2015
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
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Event Description:
Biggest Marketing Mistakes
Small Business Owners Make
(Because We Couldn’t Think Of A Longer Name)
So many professionals and experts do an incredible job serving their customers but such a terrible job marketing what they do. The first step to getting better is admitting you have a problem. At this Lunch & Learn, we’ll explore some of the most common marketing mistakes business owners make. Learn how people go to extraordinary lengths to leave money on the table or worse, drive business to their competition. We’ll have some fun examples, but we’ll try not to hurt anybody’s feelings.
We’ll learn:
- How not to irritate your prospects with your digital marketing
- We’ll identify “the good, the bad & the obvious”
- The “basics” of how to break through the noise
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